Friday, January 15, 2016

I'm Gonna Get You a Nice Fruit Basket, I'm Gonna Miss Him...

It's really happening, Harry. The humongous windows are really being installed in the Carriage House Guild Room right now as we blog! Here's photographic proof...

It's amazing, right? We cannot wait to experience the glory of the Atlantic Ocean as it meets the shores of Bev-er-lee right from the comfort of our very own Carriage House. We'll keep you posted on this project, as it develops...

In other news, the winter/spring brochure has been published and is available in Beverly households and online at In it you'll find all the summer camp info you can handle, as well as classes that will teach you how to make terrariums (terraria?), ballroom dance, yoga journey through the chakras and much more. Got to read it to believe it, folks.

'Til the next time we Rec your rep... Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!