No one guessed the quote, which is very disappointing. It was Adam Sandler from Billy Madison. Check it… It's on YouTube!
The results of the poll indicated that most of you think that Tyra Banks has the meanest looks. Okay, fine! There is a new poll about our old printer. Vote today and let us know how much you think it will sell for at Savers.
So, the big news of the week is that Josh started as the site coordinator for evening enrichment at the Senior Center (he even dressed up a bit) and that we finally got rid of our old printer! We donated it to Savers and they are going to sell it to benefit the epilepsy foundation. Cool! It was kind of process getting it out of the building (sorry for the sideways videos-I cannot fix it!!)...
Can you guess what this is?

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!
it's a baseball/softball pitchers mound!