The heat is back on at the BRD and we're thankful, but keeping the space heaters close by... it looks beautiful outside, but it's chilly. This could be the last Indian Summer weekend, so soak it up! Visit Lynch, Obear or Dane Street and get your last tan of the year.
Today Josh and Gail are having a Chinese Food Fest. I don't like Chinese, so I'm having ramen, which really makes no sense. Gail fixed a biscuit breakfast and yesterday was yet ANOTHER group pizza lunch. Josh says he has a good bake-off idea, but has yet to reveal it.
Volunteers for the Holcroft Park Autumn Festival are trickling in (Skeslie!) and it's our goal to have at least 10 people, so sign up NOW! All you have to do is email Joscelyn or FB Beverly Recreation. Pumpkin decorating, face painting, basketball and games. Yeah, you can do that! Come on, staff!
In other news, the CH (that's Carriage House, for the layperson) doors are looking great, there are new lights to illuminate the outside all night long and some generous folks donated chandeliers and light fixtures to dress up the inside. Lovely.
We hope you're all doing well! Feel free to drop us a line or comment (below) on the blog. We'd like to know what you want us to report on, so keep in touch, will ya?
Oh, and I can't let another day go by without commenting on the poll... come on, Halle Berry and Blake Lively look mean! I am pretty sure that they can shoot lasers out of their eyes. Just sayin...
Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!
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