Holy rain, Batman! Beverly is flooded! Fire up those sump-pumps! Okay, enough with the exclamations, but it is true, a great flood descended upon the North Shore and delayed operations quite a bit. Schools were delayed or closed and parts of Lynch Park were renamed Lake Beverly, having transformed into humongous Canadian goose baths. It took Gail hours to get to Lynch Park from Ryal Side and even longer for Jean to come from Danvers. Check out these pics…

As promised, here are the BIG updates…
There was a dead seal on the beach yesterday. The specialist at the N.E. Aquarium said to leave it alone, let it go back in with the tide. We did, but it was kind of gross just rotting away out there.
I know you’re probably sick of looking at pics of our bathroom, but if you’ve ever worked here or used the upstairs bathroom, you will marvel at the organization and cleanliness. Just a few more…

The Skev Report – Skevajandro graced us with his presence after his para-professional job. He wanted to pick up a recommendation, along with socializing and being the first to try the new K-cups. We chatted about his job (he’s bouncing from classroom to classroom and helping some kid with chemistry), about his weekend (Octoberfest in Boston was surprisingly low-key) and which celebrities in the most recent edition of People magazine look the meanest. I think Halle Berry looks mean, while Skev thinks Jennifer Aniston does. Josh thinks Tyra Banks is mean and hey, where did her talk show go? Skev admitted to taking over the remote at other people’s houses and always turning to VH1. He and I did a little techno beat boxing. He asked Josh to run errands with him that night and then went home for a nap.
Josh did not go to Octoberfest because, unfortunately, he has to pay the bills.
Momball got one series of games in on Friday, but the rest had to be postponed until the weekend of October 21. Not sure which days, exactly, but we’ll post when it has been decided.
Bruce and Josh went to Costco and bought coffee, pizza and the most important thing of all…

The Carriage House has a new door!! Ch-ch-check it out!

Our fall catalog is out and there are so many classes to choose from! Click
HERE to browse and register for classes.
Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!