I saw an old Bev Rec employee, Artie Sullivan, at the Library last night! Anyone remember R-T?
The Skev Report - Skevlie Sheen wondered aloud today why he hasn't had funny quotes in the blog lately, and then he remarked that the songs on Yellow Submarine weren't all "listenworthy". Ahhhh, the magic of Skev! He has been on a book and DVD buying spree lately, taking advantage of the sales at Borders and Amazon. He just got Planet Earth for $29.09!! He's taking the MTEL tomorrow. Before he left, he engaged Stella in a staring contest, which she mistook as a blinking contest and hilarity ensued...

This picture is a leftover from last week, when Skev visited, looking more like the Captain than Tennille...

JOSH SAYS - "Stella is the new Hugh Hefner." Ummm, I hope not!
Get your contracts in! Summer is only like, 109 days away!
Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!
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