Bruce and Joscelyn went to the MRPA Annual Conference in Hyannis. We attended educational sessions, networked with colleagues and attended meetings. A good time was had by all and even more noteworthy, the van made it all the way there and back. It actually wasn’t until last week that the van endured another attack by grimy vandals. You get back threefold what you put out, criminals.

St. Patrick’s Day was observed by the Bev Rec staff with green clothes and cupcakes. I ate corned beef and cabbage for dinner that night. Didn’t bother getting a McDonald’s Shamrock Shake, after consuming a way less than perfect specimen last month.
Marco and Regan worked at the Hamilton-Wenham Kids Fair, representing our camps, despite the fact that all the fair details never made it to them. Thanks for figuring it out!
We had a Crock Pot Wednesday last week, dining on Italian Wedding Soup. It was followed by Leftover Thursday. We plan on celebrating the Red Sox home opener this Friday with Crock Pot Lasagna.

Interviews of new supervisors have commenced and contracts will be sent tomorrow. New Playground Director, Tykes Director and Special Event Coordinators, will be crowned. Thanks to all who expressed interest, sorry there aren't actual crowns.
A BHS Sports Hall of Famer himself, Bruce attended the 2011 induction dinner at the Danversport last week. Someone remembered that his name is kind of featured in a Peter Frampton song.
The Skev Report – Skev Montague has been elusive, but made a grand re-appearance this morning. He has a new sparkle in his eye and a new spring in his step, and no, it’s not because he already has Red Sox tickets! Tutoring is almost at an end and I’m sad, because I learned a lot. Skev and I talked about this year’s Coachella lineup, Netflix vs. Redbox, the movie “Hamlet 2”, trivia and his upcoming trip to a local ski resort where he doesn’t plan to ski.
Josh has been so hard at work, down in the Carriage House and on the first floor of the office. Here's a sample of the new paint job on the floor, alongside the old paint...

Josh remarked that he “attacks” female prey and asked me to post this, “You are either in the Subaru or out of it.” I, for one, am in it.
The results of the last poll show that 8% of you litter and 91% don't. That's enough, stop throwing your stuff on the ground. NEW POLL! Same location...
Interviews of prospective employees will begin just before and over April vacation. Get your best clothes dry-cleaned and practice your most un-nervous faces.
Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!
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