Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hold It Against Me

Skev came in for his interview today, dressed to the nines...

Has anyone out there heard the new Britney album? I'm addicted to it.

More info on interviews and supervisor jobs this afternoon and this week. Sorry it's taking so long, we are SUPER busy over here. Obviously.

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Monday, March 28, 2011


Hello Blogfans! It’s been so long since we rapped at ya, but lots to do with so little time in the work day. Here's a summary of the last two weeks in Bev Rec-dom…

Bruce and Joscelyn went to the MRPA Annual Conference in Hyannis. We attended educational sessions, networked with colleagues and attended meetings. A good time was had by all and even more noteworthy, the van made it all the way there and back. It actually wasn’t until last week that the van endured another attack by grimy vandals. You get back threefold what you put out, criminals.

St. Patrick’s Day was observed by the Bev Rec staff with green clothes and cupcakes. I ate corned beef and cabbage for dinner that night. Didn’t bother getting a McDonald’s Shamrock Shake, after consuming a way less than perfect specimen last month.

Marco and Regan worked at the Hamilton-Wenham Kids Fair, representing our camps, despite the fact that all the fair details never made it to them. Thanks for figuring it out!

We had a Crock Pot Wednesday last week, dining on Italian Wedding Soup. It was followed by Leftover Thursday. We plan on celebrating the Red Sox home opener this Friday with Crock Pot Lasagna.

Interviews of new supervisors have commenced and contracts will be sent tomorrow. New Playground Director, Tykes Director and Special Event Coordinators, will be crowned. Thanks to all who expressed interest, sorry there aren't actual crowns.

A BHS Sports Hall of Famer himself, Bruce attended the 2011 induction dinner at the Danversport last week. Someone remembered that his name is kind of featured in a Peter Frampton song.

The Skev Report – Skev Montague has been elusive, but made a grand re-appearance this morning. He has a new sparkle in his eye and a new spring in his step, and no, it’s not because he already has Red Sox tickets! Tutoring is almost at an end and I’m sad, because I learned a lot. Skev and I talked about this year’s Coachella lineup, Netflix vs. Redbox, the movie “Hamlet 2”, trivia and his upcoming trip to a local ski resort where he doesn’t plan to ski.

Josh has been so hard at work, down in the Carriage House and on the first floor of the office. Here's a sample of the new paint job on the floor, alongside the old paint...

Josh remarked that he “attacks” female prey and asked me to post this, “You are either in the Subaru or out of it.” I, for one, am in it.

The results of the last poll show that 8% of you litter and 91% don't. That's enough, stop throwing your stuff on the ground. NEW POLL! Same location...

Interviews of prospective employees will begin just before and over April vacation. Get your best clothes dry-cleaned and practice your most un-nervous faces.

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Thursday, March 10, 2011


UPDATE: We just saw a seven or eight-year-old boy in the field between the play structures, poop in a paper cup, held by his Mom, who also wiped his butt after he was done!! Geez!! You are not alone at Lynch Park; Gail, Bruce, Josh, Tim and I are here and we witnessed the entire thing! The Mom appeared to take the poop cup with her, and the kid scootered off to enjoy the rest of his day.

Holy moly... this is a story that will be told and re-told for years.

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Bruce, Josh and Gail indulged in a little takeout from the Beverly Meat House this afternoon. For a place with a name straight out of a horror movie, they make some attractive and delicious-looking subs! Ch-ch-check it...

Have I mentioned that contracts for summer staff are due tomorrow? Well yes, they are! If your contract is not here when we make new hire decisions, we'll assume that you aren't coming back and replace you. What a tragedy that would be, if you really intended to come back. Talk to me, or put a stamp on it!

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Josh's project de la semaine is t-shirt inventory. In addition to counting the shirts, he's also modeling them...

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Crazy Tuesday

Stella Says: "I'm not going to end up like that..." in reference to John Lennon.

Josh Says: "Give me your mouse, I'll fool around with it..." in reference to fixing Jean's computer.

Summer Staff, if you have not handed in your contracts, please do it soon. It's due Friday and I will not chase you down for it. If you want to chat about it, just email, Facebook or call me. I'm here for YOU.

VOTE in the poll! I must know where all this trash is coming from.

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Monday, March 7, 2011


We returned to Lynch Park this morning, pleased to see a whole lot more grass and dirt! Not so psyched about all the trash that’s been uncovered, though. Someone had a great time in the Rose Garden, I just found their leftover beer bottles, fireworks and Styrofoam darts… weird! Honestly, do you ever throw trash on the ground?? There are plastic bags, Starbucks cups, coke cans and paper all over the park so SOMEONE must be a litterbug!

Gail gave our resident Beatlemaniac another item to add to her collection, a Beatles t-shirt! It’s so cute and it’s green, so she can wear it for St. Patty’s Day, too. Now all she needs are some Beverly Panthers orange leggings. I just hope she goes easy on the green milk this year.

Speaking of Beatles, the last poll revealed that 36% of you love John, 27% love Ringo and the remaining 37% were torn between Paul and George. VOTE IN THE NEW POLL - I think you are all litterers!

Josh is out sick today. Feel better soon, someone has to finish the mysterious wooden box.

Kayla Doig won an award (and got lipstick all over her face) at Drama Fest this weekend! Congratulations! Winning!

Applications and contracts are rolling in. They are both due Friday, so come on, get them in!

TODAY'S VISITORS - CITs Corey Malone and Andrew Poveromo and the Wilson lifeguard's Mom. Thanks for dropping by!

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Friday, March 4, 2011

Leggo My Eggo Friday

Jean cooked up one heck of a breakfast this morning! Waffles and french toast, it was like the Depot Diner in the office...

I saw an old Bev Rec employee, Artie Sullivan, at the Library last night! Anyone remember R-T?

The Skev Report - Skevlie Sheen wondered aloud today why he hasn't had funny quotes in the blog lately, and then he remarked that the songs on Yellow Submarine weren't all "listenworthy". Ahhhh, the magic of Skev! He has been on a book and DVD buying spree lately, taking advantage of the sales at Borders and Amazon. He just got Planet Earth for $29.09!! He's taking the MTEL tomorrow. Before he left, he engaged Stella in a staring contest, which she mistook as a blinking contest and hilarity ensued...

This picture is a leftover from last week, when Skev visited, looking more like the Captain than Tennille...

JOSH SAYS - "Stella is the new Hugh Hefner." Ummm, I hope not!

Get your contracts in! Summer is only like, 109 days away!

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Gail just brought in a present for Stella, from Roger... a DVD full of Beatles performances! Naturally, she's watching it right now. Check this video, it's Stella's maniacal, teenage girl Beatles dance...

The Skev Report - Skev Hawking came into the office for about 8 minutes. We discussed tutoring (next session-Wednesday), his parent's upcoming trip (to party or not to party?) and the April vacation plans he ALREADY has to make for the kids at taekwondo. He's a busy guy.

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