Sad news to report… Bruce’s father, Ken Doig, passed away. Bruce and the rest of the Doig clan are doing alright and the services commemorating his life were very moving. It’s obvious where the Big Guy gets his best qualities. :)
In other news, Molly Forman and Jake Stokes attended the Glen Urquhart Camp Fair and not only represented Bev Rec well, but also brought back excellent suggestions that will make our presentations more interactive and awesome. Seems as though Munchkins aren’t persuasive anymore!
Stella celebrated her 5th birthday at the office a few weeks ago! She enjoyed so many gifts and delicious cupcakes and ice cream and she and I are very thankful to the office staff for going out of their way to make her feel special!

We had a sweet visit from Will McAuliffe and Jocelyn Cassola on Super Bowl Friday. We were enjoying an office-wide lunch from Super Chicken when they arrived. The Cassolas got a new puppy and Joc showed me how to use hash tags. If you get the chance, let’s make #CassolasLoveDogs a trend… that and #BestSummerEver, if you’re talking about Bev Rec camp and park. Thanks for your cooperation.
According to the last poll, most of you think it will snow enough to sled down the hill in 2013. We agree. The Polar Plungers had chilly weather, but not a flake of snow to keep them from getting to the water on Woodbury Beach. If you have pics from this Sunday’s event, please send them to us at
We’ll be semi-closed tomorrow for camp registration, but you can bet that if something news-worthy comes up, we’ll blog it ASAP.
Check out our winter/spring course offerings and sign up for something. Many classes are thisclose to meeting their minimums…
Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!
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