Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday NoSunDay

It's a blah Monday at Lynch Park. The space heater is ON! I hear it is going to be this way for a few more days, blaaaah!

It's almost the end of the day and I am still on hold with Adobe. Another unanswered question, another day without Dreamweaver. Anyone out there know where we can get an inexpensive (and legal!) copy? The Friends of Beverly Recreation has non-profit status!

There was a lot going on this weekend, painting, weddings, Momball... somehow our staff survived!! Bruce needs another week off. Josh painted the downstairs bathroom doors. Looks great!

If you are a Beverly resident, don't forget to take the Beverly Public Schools Strategic Planning Survey. It will provide a lot of important information that will help our schools and other community organizations (like Bev Rec!) work better!

Don't forget to take our, "Favorite Month" blog survey. It's to the right...

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!

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