CIT interviews are almost done and we look forward to awarding placements this week. We’re sorry we won’t be able to hire everyone, but we had a lot of fun getting to know you all! Bill and I even conducted our first double interview! Thank you Nicole and Missy for being such good sports!
Staff have been semi-good keeping the Spirit Whisper room clean. Don’t leave crap in there, it's nice when it’s clutter and odor-free.
A pre-season Ranger meeting was held last week. Bruce emphasized the importance of proper footwear, clean clothes and wearing your hat the right way. Tim and Probee will have trouble with the last one. BTW, Greg moved out of the Probee phase… he’s just Greg, now.
The toner continues to give us trouble. Almost everyone in the office tried their hand at replacing it, with messy results. The entire time I’ve worked here, there has been one woman who mastered replacing the toner cartridge, and I don’t think she makes house calls.
The new floor in the Carriage House is unreal. It is so crazy and shiny and awesome. If you see it, you won't believe it. It led me to uncover a door I never knew was in there and Bill found a new closet. Wow.

LOST & FOUND: The rangers found a bottle of Yellow Tail Pinot Grigio and 23 beer cans (all empty) in the Rose Garden. Skev found a pair of aviator sunglasses. He hopes they're not claimed because they're sweet. We all tried them on...

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