Monday was warm and sunny, maybe that's why Skev, Josh, Tim and Sam all visited! Skev came by first wearing his new, maroon and blue Villanova hat and matching shirts. He noted that kids these days are stylish and if he could wear what Stella wears (a dress, jeans and mini workboots), that would be cool. Skev-a-roni is also a baby-face once again. Tim and Sam came by a few hours later to settle the medical bills resulting from 2009’s nasty playground injury at Obear.
Dennis, the IT guy came in and fixed a plethora of issues we were having. My new laptop works now and it’s awesome.
Stella has been in the office almost all day today (Tuesday)… it’s 4:05pm now and I have almost had it. If it weren’t for Gail, Jean and Bruce’s help, I would be pulling my hair out from all the Spongebob, potty time, constant chatter, crumbs… why did I promise to take her to the structure after work? I need a nap, dude!
I drove into Lynch this morning, only to find the access road blocked by a huge tree service truck. I parked in the main lot and walked up to a shocking sight… the ACME Jr. tree was cut down! All that’s left is a stump! Bruce came in 20 minutes later reporting that the Adventure Camp tree had also been razed! Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes! Hopefully new trees will be planted in their place.

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NOT THE TREES!!! I vote that new once are put in their place, haha. And that injury was so epic that it's just being settled now. Crazayy.