Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Now is the time to follow the wind, to walk alone

It's been birthday city here at Bev Rec and between camp registration, enrichment class marketing, and special projects like the pavillion at Obear, we've been celebrating. Check it...

Stella turned nine!

Gail gained another year of life, as well!

Nice card, Bruce!

Always on call! Always. On. Call. 

 Even though Marco is out in the real world now, he still makes time to visit with his Bev Rec family.

Partying like its 1999 AND planning recreation programming that will enhance your physical, mental, and spiritual health... Yeah, that's us!

Speaking of enhancing your mental health, what could be better than watching a bald eaglet hatch? You might see it if you watch this live Washington DC eagle webcam: http://www.eagles.org/dceaglecam/.

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!
