Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Guten Morgen. Again, the business of the Recreation lifestyle has led us to put the blog on the back burner. The Rec Rag has only been placed gently aside, not forgotten! Enjoy the following photo essay that will catch you up on all the Bev Rec doings...

Bruce & Josh had birthdays and we celebrated...
(the better photos were taken by Kris Melanson)

Jean had a birthday and we celebrated AGAIN! 
Gail and I even made lunch in Janet's pressure cooker, despite the fact that it made a scary noise and terrified us.

Stella amazed us with her Dali-like ability to paint an Egyptian landscape...

This guy came to the office to help us get rid of the two-year mouse problem...

Evening Enrichment has its official start on Monday and we are psyched! We hope all of you will sign up for something great this fall! TTFN.

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!