Friday, June 21, 2013

Painter's Tape

Hello out there! Happy Summer! The first day of the best season of the year is completely and totally gorg. I hope you have made it out to Dane Street Beach, Lynch Park or whichever park is closest to you. Soak up the sun!

Will, Ryan and Scott have been very busy updating the Carriage House. The next time you approach Captain Dusty's, you will be greeted with a brand new, completely life-like image of a delicious fudgesicle. Take a look...

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Scrambled, Sunny Side Up, or What?

Will M. and Ryan L. found a single robin's egg upstairs in the Carriage House. The next day, it was gone. We have a lot of theories about where it could have gone to, and while some like to think it hatched and flew away, I'm afraid it fell victim to Nicodemus...

NEW BLOG FEATURE!!  Wooooo-hooooo!
We're looking for songs that feature the name of a staff member. This week goes to Bill Bresnahan...

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!