Monday, October 28, 2013

It's Been A While...

Hello, hello!  We're here, we really are... we've been so busy wrapping up the summer and starting our fall programming and activities, that we haven't had time to blog.  Let's catch you up in pictures...

We celebrated Bruce & Josh's birthdays... 

Some of us ate this colorful frozen treat 

  So busy eating we just stopped talking!

Gail gave Stella her first crochet lesson

 We celebrated Jean's birthday...

... and this is the cake and ice cream before we devoured it 

Gail, Joscelyn and Jean got matching Bev Rec raincoats

Now you're up-to-date!  Looking forward to Halloween on Thursday, hope you'll share pics of your costumes with us on Facebook.  Take it easy, Blogketeers!

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Summer 2013 Rec Rag - 2nd Edition

Can you believe half the summer is over already? Hope everyone is still having fun! The weather hasn’t been the greatest, but hopefully everything will fall into place on the night of the Lip Sync Extravaganza.

Katie H. had an interesting couple of weeks. She injured her toe on the rocks during the Lynch Olympics; accompanied her injured park child at the hospital looking like a Hawaiian Fire God; and returned to Lynch, only to receive a Coke shower, thanks to Scott B. Will also headed up to the hospital in his Tiki Fire Gods costume, as well. I bet anyone at the emergency room being seen for extreme consumption of alcohol or hallucinogens must have given a double-take when they saw them coming. Brendan L. made the calls and Henry M., Nicole B., and Anna J. helped the little girl, without passing out at the sight of blood. Ashley M.’s dad came to rescue a few times this week. Conor L. and Jenna L. triumphed at the soccer competition, thanks to Jake S. Lucky for Conor, he waited to fracture his wrist the following week. Chris C. was escorted out of Lynch the other night. It must have been an off night from fishing with Dan C. Andrew P. has been advertising for his favorite footwear store, the New England Running Company. Kenny P. sacrificed a possible running record by working as a ranger on the night of the race. His sister has been seen learning to drive with her dad in the parking lot. They looked like they were having a great time.

Congratulations to all the current or former REC runners in the race last night: JRK, Jake S., Allegra, Dante and Marco E., Joclyn B., Hayley M., Regan G., Tim M, Sam St., Molly F., Natalie P., Henry M., Andrew P., Alex M., David B., and Ashley M., Oliver M. (who beat the pack), and Jack D.

The lifeguards have been trying to swat away bees all summer. They bees seem to build a new hive every night. David B. feels bad that he is getting slower running the road race, but sitting at the beach everyday kind of takes away all his energy as he gets older. Connor F., being a cautious one, and so he should, told a boy doing parkour stunts to wait until he was off at 5:00pm to do his tricks.

We heard that the Roller Palace is the place for young love. Scott reminisced about having his first kiss at the Roller Palace while at camp. Jake S. met his girlfriend there, as well.
Jackie R. seems more serious lately. Must be the stress Kris M. puts on for a perfect lip sync performance. Remember… it’s for the children, Kris. We are sure that Tim will, as always, show his art skills.

The rangers have been trying to stay awake and out of trouble. Will M. and Ryan L. were so happy to be added to the soccer competition, after getting the soccer boot earlier. Ryan enjoyed making a homemade uniform in the office prior to the match. Nick T. tells us that if anyone has a problem with anything in Beverly his father or uncle will fix it.

Quotable Quotes

  • We should have a snuggle station. (Corey)
  • By chance, is Jackie R. around? (A fireman pretending to have a purpose in the Carriage House)
  • Crazy things happy when it rains. (Bruce)
  • Pebbles underneath my skin is a good album title. (Ryan)
  • He loves to be on his high horse, representing the Rec. Dept. (Ryan)
  • If there is a girl I can try to flirt with I can get free parking. If it’s a guy hopefully they’ll see Cassie in the window. (Kris)
  • Tell her to get out and check the tire pressure. (Bruce)
  • He’s cooler than the other side of the pillow. (Scott)
  • I don’t have my license, because it was taken away after an OUI on Saturday. (Person trying to get a sticker for her car)
  • That’s the last thing he needs is to lose brain cells. (Scott)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summer 2013 Rec Rag - 1st Edition

We would like to welcome all new staff to the one and only Beverly Recreation Department and welcome back all returnees, as well. Everyone loves to come back, because they have so much fun!

The first session of camp has come and gone. Now only 6 weeks more to go. Stefany H. has been doing a great job at Tykes and after only a week can turn on the outdoor hose. I think it was a first that not one Tyker or Tykes staff member was crying on the first day, and no one wanted to go home.

Sam S. is not going for the record of being the last member of the camp staff to return his med. form anymore. Allegra E. wins the award, however, for losing her new sneakers in record time. Ever so cheerful, Allegra still told everyone to “Have a great day.” Marco, ever the helpful brother, asked people to check for his sister’s sneakers, using the radio, as it was too hot for him to check around on foot. Jake S. has been doing a great job at early care. Heard he sets 3 alarms to make sure he is here bright and early.

Dan C. has made a smooth transition from instructor to Acme Sr. Director now that his alarm is in working order. We look forward to seeing many different cowboy hats over the summer. Acme C.I.T. Katie H. had a camper get up close and personal with her at the beach. If anyone is in the neighborhood of Starbucks next Saturday morning, please surprise Hayley M. with a scone. Lots of staff have missed the Henry’s cookies which had been frequently dropped off, as well.

Corey M. and Jocelyn R. are 1 for 2 with special events, now that one was cancelled. They seem very organized and act out all the games in the “Spirit Whisper” room while planning for the events. Jocelyn has been wearing 3 different hats these days: special events, park instructor, and swim tester.

Adventure Camp made it through their first overnight, be it one week late. Kris was flirting with the Dunkin Donuts girl on the way home from the Cape, although he has his eyes on a certain redhead. When asked if he wanted to buy a donut by Tim M., he said, “No, I am watching my figure.” Tim asked, “What are you watching it do?” Jackie R. (who didn’t realize JAY-Z was inappropriate for middle school campers) has turned Tim and Kris into the celebrity couple, giving them their own name, “Kim.”

Matt M. was wearing his “knight in shining armor costume” when he protected Nicole B. from the ill-mannered children. Guess those kids didn’t know there was a new sheriff in town. Anna J. seems to have a different hair color every week, just to keep the kids guessing. An adult chipmunk was reported at McKay park, but it was only poor Jocelyn R. recovering from wisdom teeth extraction. Brendan L. was in no hurry to get a paycheck, as he was the last person to pass in all his paperwork. Natalie P. earned extra points for running with her boss, J.R.K. Conor L. and Jenna L. have been very busy at BHS…getting to know each other. Rumor has it that Kenny P. is a Bev Rec Dork.

Scott is doing a great job as Health Coordinator and has handled parents well, while collecting tardy health forms. His motto is, “Liquid sweat means hard work.” Will M. and Ryan L. have been sharing lovely rides through the park, handling calls and requests from patrons and Q., and enjoying many Angie Miller tunes. The question is the morning is, “Will Ryan be tired or awake this morning?” New gate attendant Nick T. was nice enough to bring his girlfriend What’s Brewin’ before his morning shift.

The lifeguards have been busy testing the kids on their ability to swim, due to Christian’s Law. Maybe they should be testing the instructors too. Megan C. was looking for her “lock, unlock.” After her hours of searching, she finally found her car keys. All lifeguards have successfully received their annual base burns, so let the tanning begin.

Bruce had a tough first week, hobbling around with his bad knee. Don’t ask him how much blood and fluid was taken out. But you can find out on Facebook.

Quotable Quotes
  • Is it going to start snowing here? (referring to the beach) - Acme Camper
  • Patron of the Park #1 - Hey, the back of that boys shirt says ranger. Maybe he lives in Texas. Patron of the Park #2 - If it says ranger, he probably does. 
  • Corey M. - Your beloved is on the beach. Tim M. - Which one?
  • Don’t give me the open mouth treatment. - Scott B.
  • Just cooling off in the meat locker. We should just hang out here and get silly more often. - Ryan L.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Jump Start

A little office/ranger shenanigans for you on a foggy Tuesday morning...

When Will stole Ryan's seat, Ryan refused to let it go...
let's order from the Happy Clam, everyone!

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Painter's Tape

Hello out there! Happy Summer! The first day of the best season of the year is completely and totally gorg. I hope you have made it out to Dane Street Beach, Lynch Park or whichever park is closest to you. Soak up the sun!

Will, Ryan and Scott have been very busy updating the Carriage House. The next time you approach Captain Dusty's, you will be greeted with a brand new, completely life-like image of a delicious fudgesicle. Take a look...

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Scrambled, Sunny Side Up, or What?

Will M. and Ryan L. found a single robin's egg upstairs in the Carriage House. The next day, it was gone. We have a lot of theories about where it could have gone to, and while some like to think it hatched and flew away, I'm afraid it fell victim to Nicodemus...

NEW BLOG FEATURE!!  Wooooo-hooooo!
We're looking for songs that feature the name of a staff member. This week goes to Bill Bresnahan...

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Up & Up

I cannot believe it has been two months since we've written a blog entry for you!  Let's get back into the blogging groove with a few office pics.  It was my birthday yesterday and we celebrated at Bev Rec today.  Josh came by and Scott (the new HRMC) and Will were also in the office for the big "surprise" party...

GOOD times!  Thanks everyone for the lovely birthday party!  Might have to get a second slice of cake...

This weekend is our annual Supervisor Training!  For the first time ever, we are going on a camping trip after our leadership training with Ezra Holland!  Awesome!!  We will definitely have a post and pics!

Glad to be back, shout-out if there is something you want to hear about!

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Under the Wings of Bats

Please note: we just added "Share" buttons to the bottom of each blog post!  If something we write or post is particularly informational, hilarious or just plain share-able, please click one of the buttons and let all of your friends know about it, too.

Here is the month of March in pictures...

Carriage House Photo Shoot

Imagine your function here! Gorg!

Gail's Birthday Bash!

Jean baked this delicious chocolate cake

Look who dropped by!

Gail digs into the presents

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pseudo-Sun Pickups

The Lynch Lot still looks a little like the surface of the moon

STAFF!  Contracts are due Friday!  If I don't hear from you, I will be forced to replace you!  Fax, mail, email or hand-deliver that contract or please contact me to discuss your situation.

14 more days until spring is officially here!

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Conspiracy Theory

The sun! The sun is back! Yesterday's rain washed away quite a bit of snow, leaving behind a very spring-like atmosphere here at Lynch Park. Personally, I cannot wait for March. Mainly because that is the month that Edward Cullen appears on my calendar...

Anyway, we are totally busy at Beverly Recreation these days. Evening Enrichment started this week, summer camp registration is still coming in, and employee contracts went out today! Hopefully all of the summer staff will return to make summer 2013 the best there has ever been. Time will tell...

We are also accepting applications for new employees and CITs! You can get an employment application on our website by clicking HERE.  You can get a CIT application by clicking HERE.

Lastly, check out this gorg image of Lynch just yesterday... There is a little snowfamily playing in the field, hopefully you can spot them.

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Just Keep Swimming

How about that storm? Hit us like a ton of bricks, but DPS came to the rescue. Monday morning there was a beeline plowed right from Ober Street to our office. Bruce had to shovel and sand a little bit, but other than that, the good, old office was ready to rumble.

Check out these pictures of Lynch Park during the storm... one is by me and the other is courtesy of Joanna Mooney...

Intense! Did I hear that we are getting more snow this weekend? Bring it on! More Lynch Park sledding and snowpeople!

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Zero Dark Eighteen

Another day, another post! We're trying to keep up our New Year's Resolutions, are you?

We found cool websites that can help you keep track of your goals this new year or anytime.  Check out Mindbloom and Joe's Goals.  They're FREE and can help you track habits and goals like eating more fiber, signing up for a Bev Rec class or taking walks at Lynch Park. It's fun and easy.

If you are not at all into resolutions, check out these UNresolutions from Meetup.

Will McAuliffe visited yesterday and gave us some of his awesome Lynch Park photos to use.  He's so talented, he got into Mass. College of Art!  Stella was not as impressed, she locked herself in the Spirit Whisper room for the duration of his visit.  Don't take it personally, Will, Stella was really sick yesterday.  I have bags under my eyes this morning to prove it...  Anyway, here's a sample of Will's work...

Photo by William McAuliffe

It's both "Ewwww..." and "Awesome..." at the same time, right?

Gail and Stella turned the apartment into a Valentine's Day house! Check it as the redecoration commences...

One more thing (don't you just hate it when a meeting is at the end and someone says, "One more thing..." and then talks for 34 more minutes?) ... we are also on Tumblr and our Tumblr Blog, Bev Rec Yeah! is awesome!  Please follow us there, too.  We feature cool videos and links to local resources and recreation information.

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Gray Sky, Sunny Day?

Is it true we haven’t blogged at ya since Hanukkah?  Unbelieveable!  The holidays hit, we took vacations and scrambled to get the Winter/Spring brochure to print, so it’s been busy at the BRD.  Here is a recap of the Bev Rec news you missed over the past month…

* Gail redecorated Stella’s apartment for Christmas!  It had working lights and everything!

* BHS Football won the Superbowl and Bruce was tickled black and orange!  He went to banquets and celebrated for weeks.  Come to think of it, he's still attending parties and waiting for his ring to arrive! 

* We had our staff holiday party at Gail’s house on a Saturday morning.  Josh was there!  We ate waffles, opened gifts and had a lot of laughs.  Stella was beside herself with all the princessey, unicorney, puzzley gifts she received.

* Scott worked at Beverly Recreation while on school break.  We loved having him around!

* I got an iPhone 5!  Woo-hoooooo!  Went to the mall to pick out a protective case for it and was stunned to learn that they can cost $50!, people…

Winter/Spring programs start next month as does SUMMER CAMP registration!

* I have started to meet with the Camp Directors to discuss SUMMER 2013 and let me tell you, there is a lot of excitement out there!!

* Will McAuliffe has been at Lynch Park during all hours of the day and night, capturing the best of it on film.  He’s coming into the office today to show me his sweet, sweet pics.

That's all I can think of to report right now!  We promise to check in more regularly with you in 2013, it's one of our resolutions!  Take care, get a flu shot, live long and prosper loyal readers!

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!