Can you believe November is half over and Thanksgiving is next week? I don't know about your families, but my Mom is already shopping for our big holiday meal. Bring on the Stove Top, Ma!
Here at Beverly Recreation, we are continuing our Thanksgiving Basket tradition. Each staff member signs up to contribute specific food items and a gift card to buy the turkey. This mammoth basket will again be given to a Beverly military family. As usual, we're thankful for beautiful parks, devoted staff, happy program participants and closets full of arts & crafts and sports equipment!

Who is going to see
Breaking Dawn Part 2 this weekend? Come on... who?? I know this guy will be there, bucket of popcorn and Sour Patch Kids in hand! Team Edward!
Josh's Corner - Still not sure what to call the Josh-themed portion of the blog, but Josh's Corner sounds hilarious, so let's go with it... Josh babysat Stella last week, so I got to see and chat with him a little. He is prospering at the Herrick House and doing a little dispatching on the side. Did I tell you that he was thinking of getting a dog? I think I talked him out of that. ;) He has a few upcoming DJ gigs, including Beverly's New Year. It's a big event and a lot of fun, so come on down and say HI to him!
Go Panthers! They're on their way to the Superbowl and we're so proud of the Bev Rec staff who are involved. Congrats!!
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