Friday, November 30, 2012

Art Everyday!

There are always innnnnteresting things going on at Lynch Park! These kiddos made a crazy cool art project by the little kid structure this afternoon. It's not the world's largest cat's cradle, it's just art!

Come on down this weekend and visit the Guild of Beverly Artists Holiday art and craft sale. I just checked it out and there are beautiful works of art, ornaments and jewelry for sale!

Happy Friday, everyone!

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Outer Space Heater

As the sun sets on Lynch Park, we're all thinking of our Thanksgiving celebrations.  Who else is planning to run the Turkey Trot or indulge in a little hot yoga before letting the tryptophan kick in? 

Jerry from Veterans Services picked up the humongous Thanksgiving Basket this afternoon.  Woo-hoo!  We hope the family who gets it has the best holiday of all time!

That's all for now.  Stay tuned for our newest section where we feature old pictures of BRD staff.  Hilarious!!

Did you know we are also on Tumblr?  We are, so please follow us/check us out! 

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wood Fiber

Can you believe November is half over and Thanksgiving is next week?  I don't know about your families, but my Mom is already shopping for our big holiday meal.  Bring on the Stove Top, Ma! 

Here at Beverly Recreation, we are continuing our Thanksgiving Basket tradition.  Each staff member signs up to contribute specific food items and a gift card to buy the turkey.  This mammoth basket will again be given to a Beverly military family.  As usual, we're thankful for beautiful parks, devoted staff, happy program participants and closets full of arts & crafts and sports equipment!

Who is going to see Breaking Dawn Part 2 this weekend?  Come on... who??  I know this guy will be there, bucket of popcorn and Sour Patch Kids in hand!  Team Edward!

Josh's Corner - Still not sure what to call the Josh-themed portion of the blog, but Josh's Corner sounds hilarious, so let's go with it... Josh babysat Stella last week, so I got to see and chat with him a little.  He is prospering at the Herrick House and doing a little dispatching on the side.  Did I tell you that he was thinking of getting a dog? I think I talked him out of that.  ;)  He has a few upcoming DJ gigs, including Beverly's New Year.  It's a big event and a lot of fun, so come on down and say HI to him!       

Go Panthers!  They're on their way to the Superbowl and we're so proud of the Bev Rec staff who are involved.  Congrats!!

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cow People

It's Election Day and at Beverly Recreation, we are feeling the Bake Sale love!  Bruce and I have the same polling location, Cove School, which features some of the best bake sale items in the city.  Bruce brought back a banana walnut streusel bread and I brought back a few Heath Bar brownies.  Sooooo good, sooooo not appropriate breakfast food...

"That dude's the sickest, we hate him because he had eggs for a bath..."

In other BRD news, we are halfway through this Evening Enrichment season.  That means there are still classes to sign up for, people!  Get smarter, get healthier, get more creative!

Hey, have we mentioned yet that we just started a Tumblr account?  Yes, we did.  We are keeping that blog very, very minimal and it's very cool.  Check it out here:

We have not seen like, any BRD staff members around the office lately.  What up with that?  Do you all have like, "real jobs" now or something?  Oh wait, we did see our good friend, Ranger and Substitute Counselor Extraordinaire, Will McAuliffe, the other day.  That was awesome.  Be like Will, come visit.  We have candy...

Lynch Park looks really beautiful this fall, despite all the fallen limbs from Hurricane Sandy.  It's chilly here, but its invigorating.  Come on down and become one with nature. 

In the badly lip read words of Jim Lehrer, "Love you two, okay?"  Fight for your right to party, vote today.  

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!