Gail’s birthday was last week, on the Ides of March (aka. the day Caesar was stabbed by his bestie, Brutus). No one stabbed anything at Bev Rec except their delicious cake and ice cream at our birthday celebration. Gail got lots of gifts, Jean cooked muffins for breakfast, Josh decorated the office and we ordered Panera for lunch. Only thing missing was Stella!

Jocelyn Cassola, HRMC, brought in the newest addition to her family, Madeline or Maddie. She’s so cute!! The Cassolas love dogs. Joc has brought Maddie in a few times now and she’s always such a good girl. Even Trixie liked her.

We’ve had visitors over school break season including: Joclyn Belanger, Jocelyn Cassola, Nick Doig, Molly Forman, Margaret Hall, Connor McAuliffe, Tim McAuliffe, Will McAuliffe and Sam Stokes.
Contracts are in and interviews will start soon. We’re making the schedule and trying a new format, so get ready, recruits!
One of the Rose Garden lions was scalped! Anyone know a sculptor or mason who can help us replace the top of his noggin?

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