We’ll recap December/January for you with this short, bulleted list…
• Holiday party was complete with gifts, French toast and Alex.

• Beverly’s New Year was a success with Hannah Theriault and Kate Norton volunteering to help with costumes at the GAR Hall.
• Bruce was hit by a car on New Year’s Eve and spent more time than anyone ever has lying in the middle of Dane Street. HE’S OKAY!
• Scott Blanchette worked at Bev Rec over the break, freezing his butt off in the Carriage House.
• Holiday staff reunion was in January at CafĂ© Salerno with 20 people in attendance. We ate spaghetti, heard the story of Bruce’s accident and enjoyed soft rock on the radio. Josh, Skev, the McAuliffes, the Stokes, the Lanes, Matt Mc., Margaret H., Kayla D., Dan C. and Ryan L. were among those in attendance. Unfortunately, everyone’s resolution was not to gossip, so no juicy stories except that Pauly D. DJ’d at Sam’s school and she got up close! He looked fresh to death.
• Bruce and I have had many, many meetings this month. Blah.

• I got glasses.
• Trixie barks at everyone and is still being office-broken. She loves long walks on Lynch Beach.
• It is Stella’s 5th birthday next week and we’re going to celebrate!

The Skev Report – Sadly, there has been little seen of Skev McDonald. He was coming in on a regular basis, but always missed everyone but Gail. He was on the reunion planning committee, so I did manage to see him once and speak to him on the cellie. He likes school and the Brain Store. He planned to go to Foxwoods, but I don't think he did. He's friendly with my BFF, Molly, and he and Josh say we are personality twins. I knew there was a reason why I liked her…
We have tons of new and popular classes starting next month, so sign up now and save your space! Camp registration is open and we’re offering a special on Wicked Cool for Kids programs until April! Check out it out on www.bevrec.com and follow us on Twitter and FB.
Last month's poll indicated that you're looking forward to NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES, SELF HYPNOSIS and LET'S DRAW for spring classes. Good, now sign up! New poll on your weather predictions... check it!
Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!