Friday, December 7, 2012

Star Date: Hanukkah

This Hanukkkah, boldly go where no one else has gone...

We won't be posting over the weekend, so we're taking the opportunity now to say HAPPY HANUKKAH to everyone!  Enjoy the weekend, be ready for a totally awesome Monday.  Mazel Tov!

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Television

Gail caught Stella in her most comfortable position while watching 'A Muppet Christmas Carol' in the Spirit Whisper room this afternoon...

Don't worry, she did do some recreating today.  She made necklaces and "sold" them to all of us.  She also found time to give Bruce some sage advice about how to act at the BHS Football Banquet tonight.  She warned, "Don't get into trouble!"  I'm sure he won't!

Last class of the Fall season starts next week!  Yoga to Balance Your Moods starts next Monday and is still taking registrants.  Sign up today, it's only about $11/hour!  Great price for excellent yoga.

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Art Everyday!

There are always innnnnteresting things going on at Lynch Park! These kiddos made a crazy cool art project by the little kid structure this afternoon. It's not the world's largest cat's cradle, it's just art!

Come on down this weekend and visit the Guild of Beverly Artists Holiday art and craft sale. I just checked it out and there are beautiful works of art, ornaments and jewelry for sale!

Happy Friday, everyone!

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Outer Space Heater

As the sun sets on Lynch Park, we're all thinking of our Thanksgiving celebrations.  Who else is planning to run the Turkey Trot or indulge in a little hot yoga before letting the tryptophan kick in? 

Jerry from Veterans Services picked up the humongous Thanksgiving Basket this afternoon.  Woo-hoo!  We hope the family who gets it has the best holiday of all time!

That's all for now.  Stay tuned for our newest section where we feature old pictures of BRD staff.  Hilarious!!

Did you know we are also on Tumblr?  We are, so please follow us/check us out! 

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wood Fiber

Can you believe November is half over and Thanksgiving is next week?  I don't know about your families, but my Mom is already shopping for our big holiday meal.  Bring on the Stove Top, Ma! 

Here at Beverly Recreation, we are continuing our Thanksgiving Basket tradition.  Each staff member signs up to contribute specific food items and a gift card to buy the turkey.  This mammoth basket will again be given to a Beverly military family.  As usual, we're thankful for beautiful parks, devoted staff, happy program participants and closets full of arts & crafts and sports equipment!

Who is going to see Breaking Dawn Part 2 this weekend?  Come on... who??  I know this guy will be there, bucket of popcorn and Sour Patch Kids in hand!  Team Edward!

Josh's Corner - Still not sure what to call the Josh-themed portion of the blog, but Josh's Corner sounds hilarious, so let's go with it... Josh babysat Stella last week, so I got to see and chat with him a little.  He is prospering at the Herrick House and doing a little dispatching on the side.  Did I tell you that he was thinking of getting a dog? I think I talked him out of that.  ;)  He has a few upcoming DJ gigs, including Beverly's New Year.  It's a big event and a lot of fun, so come on down and say HI to him!       

Go Panthers!  They're on their way to the Superbowl and we're so proud of the Bev Rec staff who are involved.  Congrats!!

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cow People

It's Election Day and at Beverly Recreation, we are feeling the Bake Sale love!  Bruce and I have the same polling location, Cove School, which features some of the best bake sale items in the city.  Bruce brought back a banana walnut streusel bread and I brought back a few Heath Bar brownies.  Sooooo good, sooooo not appropriate breakfast food...

"That dude's the sickest, we hate him because he had eggs for a bath..."

In other BRD news, we are halfway through this Evening Enrichment season.  That means there are still classes to sign up for, people!  Get smarter, get healthier, get more creative!

Hey, have we mentioned yet that we just started a Tumblr account?  Yes, we did.  We are keeping that blog very, very minimal and it's very cool.  Check it out here:

We have not seen like, any BRD staff members around the office lately.  What up with that?  Do you all have like, "real jobs" now or something?  Oh wait, we did see our good friend, Ranger and Substitute Counselor Extraordinaire, Will McAuliffe, the other day.  That was awesome.  Be like Will, come visit.  We have candy...

Lynch Park looks really beautiful this fall, despite all the fallen limbs from Hurricane Sandy.  It's chilly here, but its invigorating.  Come on down and become one with nature. 

In the badly lip read words of Jim Lehrer, "Love you two, okay?"  Fight for your right to party, vote today.  

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Evil Wind, or Leaf Blower?

Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'all's neighborhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell

The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty-thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the Thriller

(Evil laugh)

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rock You Like a Hurricane

Hurricane Sandra-Dee merely skimmed Beverly, but she managed to leave some damage in her wake.  Lynch Park kept it's trees, but some are without many of their branches and leaves.  DPS has been here all day cleaning up, making it safe for patrons to enjoy the park. 

Unfortunately, it is still not safe enough to have our beloved Halloween Costume Party in the Carriage House tonight. 

We had a lot of fun, spine-chilling activities planned to get you into the holiday spirit.  We'll keep them locked in our secret party vault until next year... mwah, ha ha ha ha!

Be safe, be kind and keep it spooky, Beverly.


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Friday, October 26, 2012


Hurricane Sandy, go away... we want to party at the Carriage House on Tuesday, October 30 from 5:00-8:00pm!  We are waiting until Sunday to make the official determination on whether or not big, bad Frankenstorm will force us to cancel our first ever Halloween celebration.  Stay tuned AND until that time, enjoy these pics of Jean and Gail making their crafty decorations...

Bruce reported that he has landed safely in NC, but it is a little gloomy there.  Looks like he is going to experience Hurricane Sandy at the beginning AND end of his vacation!  Bummer, man. 

The Josh Files - We saw Josh this week!  He is still working as our Enrichment Site Coordinator at the Senior Center on Monday and Tuesday nights and we met there to discuss the Octobfest shindig with him on Tuesday night.  He was looking casual, wearing a rugby sweater and jeans, definitely different than his usual ranger gear.  He likes his new job and guess what he's doing a lot of?  Painting!  Good thing Bruce taught him how... We really miss Josh and even though he's not here, we still yell for him to change the water bottle, distribute flyers to the schools, take out the recycling, waaaaah!  He reported on Facebook that he wants to get a dog, but I think I successfully talked him out of it... Bill might have helped, too.  His advice was actually far more sage than mine... he is actually an excellent dog owner, I was not as good!

That's all for now, folks.  Keep your fingers crossed that Sandy gets blown out to sea so we can scare your socks off on Tuesday! 

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart

Join us for our first Family Halloween Costume Party at the Lynch Park Carriage House on Tuesday, October 30, 5-8:00PM.  Show off your scariest ensemble, do the 'Thriller' dance, enjoy facepainting and weather permitting, take a spooky tour around Haunted Lynch Park!

See you next Tuesday... IF YOU DARE!!

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Top Shelf

We're in denial, but it's true... Josh Melanson has left the building.

We have to start opening the office, cleaning up and well, building our own shelves now. The Herrick House will heretofore be the recipients of Josh's many talents and I must admit, we are really looking forward to hearing about free lunches and happy hour hang times with his Head Ranger-in-crime, Jocelyn Cassola!

We will even dedicate a portion of the blog to Josh, so we can let you all know what he's up to in the outside world. We had a little meatball sub party today (Josh's fave sandwich) to celebrate. Check out the pictures, below...








Bon voyage, Joshie, we are really going to miss you...

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Best Part of Waking Up

When I walked into the office this morning I was greeted by this...

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening.  Make it the best Thursday that has ever been.

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Foliage Tour

Stardate: October 1, 2012... the countdown to Halloween has begun! I'm considering dressing as the Beverly Delorean and Stella has chosen Medusa as her costume. If anyone else in the office has made their decisions, they're not sharing.

We are holding our first annual Halloween Costume Party in the Carriage House on October 30, 5:00-8:00pm!  So, after you have done the Downtown Trick or Treat - sponsored by Beverly Main Streets (4:00-6:00pm), head down to Lynch Park and enjoy more Halloween fun like facepainting and Haunted Carriage House tours!

Since summer ended, we have celebrated three birthdays, Bruce, Josh and Jean's.  Here are the pics to prove it...

And then it was Jean's big day...

The Skev Report - Well, there's nothing to report because he's been "too busy" to visit the office.  Unbelievable!  If you see him, tell him to drop by Bev Rec!  We'll be sure to give a full and detailed account.

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fall is in the Air, Everywhere I Look Around

I just realized that today is September 20… how did it get to be almost fall?  Just yesterday we were spraying each other with sunblock, ironing our Bev Rec tank tops and cleaning the Lynch Beach sand out of our ears.  Summer is G-O-N-E, but not forgotten…

So much has happened since the craziness of camp and park died down.  The fall programs are planned and the brochure has already hit the web and the streets of Bevtown, USA.  I doubt that any of you will be able to tell how I Photoshopped a few unsuspecting beach-goers right off the front cover!  That Adobe training 8 years ago paid off! 

Jocelyn has gone back to school and the Herrick House and Scott also went back to school, but before they left we had a good, old fashioned, Bev Rec breakfast party.  Bruce was on vacation, so we had to rub in the fact that we had one million sausages and “mancakes”, as Josh refers to them.  Skev came by to clean up his Tiny Tykes stuff and couldn’t resist reminding us that… “He’s Batman”.  I am not sure whether or not he prefers Michael Keaton or Christian Bale as Batman, but I’m sure we could have a lengthy discussion about that.

We have since seen Skev a bunch of times (and I saw him at the Gap!), Sam St. came in looking for some sunglasses and he has grown some hair, Nicole M. dropped by to pick up her CPR & First Aid cards and Will and Ryan have been around Lynch doing a little fall rangering.  It’s nice to see our summer staff during the off-season, so if you are in the park during business hours, drop by and say HI!

Getting ready for the NRPA (National Recreation & Park Association) Congress in California next month!  We’re going to Disneyland!

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

Back to reality! Summer vacation is just about over, we’ve come to the end of camp and park, and we’re back down to about 10 employees here at Bev Rec. Has anyone else noticed the chill to the air in the morning and evening? We’re thinking Fall as we plan the next evening enrichment schedule, with visions of jack o’lanterns and wild turkeys dancing in our heads.

The Skev Report – Tykes is over, but that hasn’t stopped Skev U.P. from spending time at the Recreation Office with the rest of us. This week he cleaned up his camp area, gave us advice on birthday presents, reinvigorated our computers and went paddleboarding (SUP!) with me and a bunch of buddies. It’s unfortunate that he had to see me in my bathing suit, but we did get all the way to the Jubilee Yacht Club before we headed back for home. Great workout, thanks to the Kayak Learning Center! Skev remarked, regarding Stevie Wonder's recent romantic woes, "Who divorces a blind man?" Who divorces Stevie, is more like it! Skev is headed for some relaxation at Foxwoods this weekend, that and getting his classroom ready at BHS. Best of luck, Michael! Don’t be a stranger!

Gail handed over the back of the Late Care timesheet today, and it contained their end of the summer awards! So cool! Here they are:
  • Stefany = Late Care Backbone
  • Corey = Most Fierce / Janice Dickinson Memorial Award
  • Katie = Best Hugs
  • Megan B. = Most Innovative
  • Hannah = Best C.I.T.
  • Meghan N. = Most Nurturing
  • Jake = Best Athletic
  • Hayley = The Sweetest Lady Award
  • Jackie = Best Director of Late Care Ever
We still have a ton of burgers and dogs, so staff, be on the lookout for a cookout!

Also, we have two special birthdays next week, so come down and extend your well-wishes to Bruce and Josh on Wednesday!

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Summer 2012 Rec Rag, 4th Edition

Can you believe it is the end of our summer 2012 program? Everyone has been busy keeping the youth of Beverly happy for the past 8 weeks. This is the last edition of the Rec Rag for the summer and are trying to include all members of staff, even if we had to make up some dirt.

Let’s start with the playground staff. It has been made known that Tim A. feels the need to have a girlfriend at all times and tries to show off for them by running along the golf cart driven by Ryan L. and Justin G. Nicole B. has been taking lessons with the Jossola School of Driving and even hit the highway. Janessa B., cuddling with Alex M. at the meeting, was a wonderful contribution to her wiffleball team. Megan B. will be Justice of the Peace for Jackie R.’s wedding, whenever that might be. Erin B. couldn’t escape Tim M. and Kris M. living out Shark Week. Chris C. makes a great Dr. Seuss, when he is not throwing mulch at kids or ignoring trash at the park. Brendan L., who is not 35 as his park kids think, had unexpected visitors in blue who stopped by his man cave. Brian L. almost knocked a kid out when he jumped on his back. Andrew P, the only man standing in the Hannah Park family of 2010, was a good boy at the fireworks. Katie S. dislocated her kneecap at Livingstone Park but still managed to go to the special event. Tom W. was doing suicide sprints at Livingstone Park in the rain this week. Monica C. and Nicole M. were both sick from McD’s one day. Didn’t they look cute driving to the special event together on the scooter? Rachel F., who should get the Veteran of the Year award, had to take care of 13 kids alone at Cranes. Justin G. only did a minimum amount of magic this summer. Katie H. and Alex M. were wearing matching socks at the wiffleball tournament. Anna J. asked Corey M. to be her best friend… just like Ryan L. and Will M. Speaking of Ryan L., again we must stress that he needs a new alarm clock before returning to college. Marc B. was throwing up off a balcony for the 2nd year in a row. Corey M. is the new U.F.O. at Lynch as he shares his unfiltered offerings. He and Nicole B. have logged quite a few miles walking across the city to visit with other parks the past two weeks. Kenny P. and Dan C. were seen strutting around like musclemen while rangering during Homecoming. Jocelyn R. didn’t panic when a park child had a panic attack at the Carnival. Holly R., the doctor of the Rec. Dept., enjoys long strolls through the aisles at Market Basket on Saturday mornings. Bill continues to celebrate his birthday with friends and fellow staff members. Matt Mc. was hurting after the wiffleball tournament. Missy K., the sub, needed a sub for herself more times than she worked.  

The Tiny Tykes staff had a great time taking turns being director of the day. Regan, sporting a wonderful Kentucky Derby hat, is it a coincidence that you are transferring to a college near Marco E.? Stefany H. was an early bird getting ready for Beach Day. Katie L., not planning ahead, unfortunately, wore a white shirt on Water Day. Meghan wore a realistic nurse’s costume on Halloween. Skev had a great rapport with the Tiny Tykes madres, with lingering phone calls and private pick ups for cookies.  

Margaret, doing a great job at Acme, wants to start up a donut/pizza shop with Sam St. Joclyn B., who tried to straighten out a rude person who cut all the kids in the food line, couldn’t escape being thrown in at Cranes. Rachel C. got to sleep on the comfy couch. Nick D. covering up the graffiti of the Heady Rascals. It took the whole summer to learn that his shift didn’t start at 2. Hayley shed some tears when she thought she was bypassed for a gate shift. She, Katie L. and Nicole B., the 3 musketeers, had a serious meeting in the car at Lynch Park over the weekend. Dan C. won Laser Quest against all the children. Connor M., a.k.a. Coco, shaved his beard and looks older to some and younger to others. You be the judge.

The Top of the Food Chain behaved themselves some of the time this summer. Kris M. and Tim M. had a team meeting at Acapulcos before checking on the Acme overnite. Rumor has it that Cassie P. looked forward to nights when A.C. went to Acapulcos. Guess she just likes Mexican food :) Jackie R. stepped on a stick which went through her foot and ripped it out.  

Sam St. fearless leader of Acme Jr. will have to steal food from the BHS caf now that the summer is over. I think he had his fill of cheese curls, chips, and anything else he could find around the office. Alyssa C. fit right in as a full-time staff member this year. Jake S. celebrated his birthday with shots (from his doctor). Marco E. got picked up by the whole fam after his ranger shift. Allegra E. was seen running by picturesque Dane St. Beach everyday this summer. Kristina L. will hopefully survive getting her wisdom teeth out. Aaron S. will miss seeing grandma every Friday to pick up his check. Will he have to check in with her every Friday during the school year? Carolyn T. dressed up for every special event and beat the Mcauliffes this summer.  

The lifeguards have been so helpful this summer, gladly performing in the Lip Sync, bringing their equipment to the beaches when the rangers were busy, and rescuing the public in face of danger. Corinne W. and Pat W. made saves with the use of kayaks this summer. Alex B. (or Ben B.) enjoyed the Onion post-Lip Sync. Connor F., best bro eva, drove his very agitated sister, Kelsey F., home on Sat. Tim B. was seen crying when Corinne W. left for school. Olivia W. earns the Best Head Guard of the decade, with not one complaint.  

J.R.K. has been going to all sorts of functions lately, requesting and dancing to “Call Me Maybe.” Josh is going to make a CD of her favorite hits after he strikes it rich at Mohegan Sun. Will, trying to catch a slow high fly, injured his hand and visited his dad at the ER to have x-rays. Jossola, Will, and Ryan made an interesting trio exchanging clothing at Cranes. Scott was a bit embarrassed when Jossola was picked up by the cops on the return trip from Old Orchard Beach for an expired registration.

Well, it was a great summer. Thanks for all your hard work. Good luck at school and work and we look forward to seeing all your smiling faces next summer.

Quotable Quotes
From:  Jocelyn, Tree Hugger, Ryan Lane, Josh Ricker, BG Kids, Will M, Sam S, Josh, Skev, Gail, Jean, Scott, Bruce, Person at Gate, Person Driving Down Access Road, Adventure Campers, Mrs. Cassola, Monica C, Nicole M, Kris M, Kenny P, Matt Mc
  • You are doing great with the kids, you know that right?
  •  I have a Yabba Dabba Doo time everyday at Lynch Park
  •  Do you have a parking lot at Lynch Park?
  •  I’m from Beverly… see that minivan right there? That’s my ex-wife’s.
  •  Are you hot… cuz you look like you could use water
  •  I think I have seaweed in my suit… no it’s just a wedgie
  •  I hate the fashion industry… it sucks
  •  I know that Matt McAniff is sore
  •  I don’t like metal forks, they scare me
  •  I give free hugs, not drugs
  •  Aliens don’t have to be fully clothed
  •  Skev is built like a Greek god, but he is a Geek god
  •  Do you know where we keep the wood for the fire?
  •  You should know by now that nothing at the Rec. Department is between two people
  •  My relationship is excellent, but I’m not sure it is healthy
  •  There are strangers hiding everywhere
  •  I don’t have to stop talking, it’s my mouth, God made it
  •  You are a sass machine, Sasquach
  •  Scott has baby hands
  •  You’re husty. Husky and crusty.
  •  I want him to be my son-in-law (about Will M)
  •  The kid peed on me after I walked him to my friend’s house to go to the bathroom
  •  You gotta plant the seed with a relationship
  •  Is that your towel I just kicked sand on? I’m sorry… can I have your number?
  •  Hey… Hey… Heyyyyyy
  •  Hey beefcake (to a park kid)
  •  I got about three more years in the Rec and then I’ll be a principal
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Friday, August 3, 2012

Summer 2012 Rec Rag, 3rd Edition

Wow, only 2 more weeks of the summer program. Time sure flies by when you are having fun! Congratulations to all playgrounds and camps for putting on outstanding performances at the Lip Sync Extravaganza. Homecoming week is crazy as usual and Bruce and all the rangers are doing a great job. Let’s give them a break on Monday when it is all over.

The Tiny Tykes staff has been licking each other’s elbows. Wonder if the kids are picking it up? A seagull pooped on Regan the other day. Are you sure it wasn’t Connor M. or Dan C.? Just a heads up…keep your fries out of sight from Skev. In one second he managed to enter the room, utter a quick paragraph, and tip over all of Josh’s fries and ketchup.

Three of the Acme Jr. instructors ran the Homecoming race last night. Wonder if things were quiet in the Egizi household after Allegra beat her brother, Marco. Jake S. and Andrew P. were passed by Kenny P. Other staff members who ran the race were JRK, Margaret, Hayley,(along with bro Adam), Joclyn B., Greg P., Olivia W., Will, Kris M., Tim Mc., Sam Sto., Sarah A., Sabrina B., Tim Mc, Sarah L., and Regan G. Ryan L. almost ran over a runner going down the access road. Luckily, Jossola grabbed the wheel.

Megan B. and Andrew P. have been doing a great job at Goldway this summer and the kids are having a fun time. Katie H. loves working at Lynch. She has spent a lot of time in the office with Will M. Rachel F. enjoys the special event bus rides so much that she insisted on taking it on her off week for the Carnival. Corey M. and Nicole B. swept the bathroom floors spotless, yet forgot the key thing…extra toilet paper. Marc B. and Margaret H. competed in the obstacle course before the kids tried it. Other instructors came out with skin burns on their bodies like JRK and Monica C. Jocelyn R., playing a Damsel in distress routine, ran out of gas at Lynch and needed Marc B., Alex M., and Matt M. to push her car. After Ryan and Will, the dynamic duo, brought her gas, she went on her merry way. We know Will must have bought the gas for her. Ryan didn’t have any money on him. Sound familiar?

The lifeguards are a friendly and social group this summer and even get along with the head guard. Tim B. has yet to give proof that he is actually a certified lifeguard. Ben C. is ready to trade in his lifeguard tank for a ranger tee. Nice job in the Lip sync performance. On Sunday night, Corinne W., Back Jesus, Kelsy Flynn, and Olivia W. joined Jocelyn C., Josh M., Connor M., Will M., Scott B, and Ryan L. to perfect their performance.

Just to let you know, we have an official “infirmary,” located in the “Spirit Whisper” room. Even though there is a comfy couch in the “infirmary” JRK chose to take an energizing power nap on the floor under the folding table in the office. They do it at work in Japan, right? We know Ryan L. prefers the area by the Rose Garden between shifts.

Margaret “Chatterbox” Hall would not stop talking at Trivia, thus making them lose. Maybe she should get banned from the “cool” table next week. Applebee’s must have missed them this week due to the Lip Sync Extravaganza. At Acme people are learning things all the time. When the idea of water polo came up, Joclyn B. said she could play it in her pool. Hayley said she could if she had a horse. Joclyn B. was the favorite daughter of the day when she met her mom at the emergency room the other night. Too bad her mom can’t run in the rain with flip flops. Rumor has it that Tim M. is not the favorite brother in the McAuliffe household, as he still owes his brother Connor M. $1,000.Connor needs to cash in all the gifts Tim has given his sweetheart to get it back. Dan C. is not a true ranger for giving up a lot of shifts to play and watch baseball, so don’t get upset for not being asked to be in the ranger lip sync.

Cam and Tim, new additions to the BRD, were watching a massive make-out session in the Rose Garden. Josh M., revealed that he couldn’t play high school because of anger issues. It all started when he was a youngin in the crazy Melanson household. He is trying to calm down as he gets older. In fact, he is looking for a snuggle bunny. Anyone interested, call 1-800-snuggle. Ryan L. enjoyed a delicious haddock dinner, Caesar salad, and coffee but found out he didn’t have enough money. Jossola came through again. Continuing with his search for free food, Ryan divulged the secret of his perfect day…sharing a bite or bites of chicky chicky parm parm with Will M. Just a reminder, we are selling tickets for the wrestling match involving Will and Ryan for the prize of Ray Bans in the office. Katie H. will be selling the tickets.

Quotable Quotes
Match the quotes with the correct speakers. Some may have a lot of quotes, especially Josh. (Josh, Skev, Nicole B., Jossola, Tim M., Kris M., Ryan L., Camper)
  • What’s up donkey?
  • Don’t test me…I’ll bring back the Skev Shimmy Car Wash.
  • I can strut it like no other.
  • I moustache you a question.
  • If Jennifer Aniston came here…I’m just sayin’
  • George Clooney would be accepted by every girl.
  • Jean, you always know what I need.
  • Love and hate = obsession.
  • I remember Regan, shyest girl on the block.
  • Jean B. brings the sass when it comes to Rec Rag material.
  • You were hiding another stash of crackers.
  • Rec couples can be a disaster or a success.
  • Why are you talking in a different accident?
  • Abracadabra…when asked what the magic word was when asking for help.
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Monday, July 23, 2012

Summer 2012 Rec Rag, 2nd Edition

Can you believe we have reached the halfway mark of our summer program? So much has happened in the first four weeks. Remember nothing is too small to be mentioned, if it will give us a good laugh.

We need to get more dirt on the Tiny Tykes staff for the next Rec. Rag. Katie Lane gets the award for the most mosquito bites in the shortest amount of time. Everyone hopes she leaves her credit card at Applebees again. Hayley lucked out and had her food paid for by Katie. Speaking of Applebees, one of their glasses fits comfortably in a wristlet. You might have to carry your wallet and cell phone in your hand. Ben A., thoughtful B.F., brings What’s Brewin to Bethany M. Hope he thinks of the ladies in the office some morning. Rumor has it that Skev speaks in pig latin to the staff (Unch-lay.) Kelsey F., who recently got a haircut, seems to have lost his alarm clock. If anyone has an extra one, please let him know. Regan is psyched that she doesn’t have to taxi Marco around, since he finally got his license. Now Ryan has another reason to ditch Will for Marco.

Speaking of Marco, we heard he gets very excited when he sees kites at Lynch Park. What a novelty! Sam S., ever confident of winning World Cup Soccer, was smoked by the team of Corey M. and Nicole B. at Olympimania. Maybe he is getting a little old for it. Jakes S. got free buffalo wings at Trivia (and Katie L. didn’t pay for him.) The waiter forgot his order.

Margaret tried to put a new spin on the usual tie-dye activity the other day, when she tried to tie-dye her face. The shirts looked great for the special event. Connor, looking dapper in his dreads, was AWOL at Water Country and was found by a lifeguard. He was just having so much fun and forgot the time. Nick D. was seen at Dynamic Core Class at the B.A.C. with Michaela B., followed by grocery shopping for the fam. He also enjoys cheap movie dates at Lynch Park. We will just have to ask Michaela to help him clean the bathrooms this Sunday.

Kenny P. sweet-talked his way into a Saturday gate shift, now he is healthy. Corey M. has been showing off his mouse-catching skills at Bartlett. Justin G.’s red shorts have unfortunately left his closet again this summer. Maybe he will lend them to Erin B., who has yet to dress up for a special event. Katie H. beat Will M. at basketball and he is making excuses not to play with Kris M. and Tim M. There is a new hangout crew at Brendan L.’s this year…Monica C., Jocelyn R., Marc B., and Corey M. Matt M. feels like a father figure this summer. Does that make Bruce a grandfather figure?

Kris M. said that he is substituting Nicole B. and Corey M. for Jackie R. and Tim M. after the World Cup performance. Too bad it is past the trade deadline. Kris was pretty excited that it didn’t rain for Mt. Monadnock. The staff looked pretty stiff when they returned. Cassie has a look alike in Margaret lately with her Hawaiian Tropic tan. Kris is jealous, as he is still suffering from his base burn. Tim M.’s mom is surprised that he will do anything for Kris M., even feed him grapes by the overnight bonfire. Jackie R. rode to Lynch on her bike one morning and the bike broke down on her trip home. Will and Tim helped her out though, since she has them on quick dial.

The lifeguards have been helping out other staff members. “Back Jesus” was asked to help lift picnic tables. Speaking of Ben C., he mentioned that he wanted to get an apt. with Jocelyn C., so she could do the girl things…cook and clean. Did he mention this to Kelsey during one of their 7 hour shifts together? Everyone try to be nice to David B., who is still sour after not getting “rookie of the year.” This week lifeguards overheard some interesting conversations between beachgoers. Some city child exclaimed, “This beach is too sandy.” Someone who likes the “High-hair” look asked, “Why didn’t we go to Revere Beach?” A protective and confused sibling warned, “Stay away from my brother. He has diabetes, the dying disease.”

Late Care continued to find new ways to entertain themselves by holding auditions for the Abby Lee Dance Company. Jake S. and Hayley M. dazzled campers with a stunning duet. On Friday, Justin G. hypnotized the counselors at late care. Jackie R. swears she saw Megan B. on American Idol, since she looks so much like Jenny from the block.

Will M. and Ryan L. (B.F.F.s) have become friends with Jenny and Senjong, the can couple. They have also been conversing with the Penalty Box and hooking up bus drivers with food and drinks. Will and Bruce tried to convince Ryan L. to introduce himself to the cute caterer girls, but his heart remains with Meaghan N. Will and Ryan insisted on buying twin shorts at Dick’s. Jocelyn C. had to rescue Will M. and her brother Mike C. at Salem Willows during their 3 hour paddleboard excursion in the stormy weather. Doesn’t Salem have rangers? People at the meeting were witness of a “LUV-tap” with a red mini. Nobody really mentioned much about it. Josh still hasn’t learned to park it somewhere else.

Quotable Quotes
Match the quotes with the correct speakers: A.C. Camper, Acme Jr. Camper, Playground Child, Bruce, Josh, ACME Camper, Tiny Tyker, Ryan L., Will M., Jocelyn C., Margaret and Skev.
  • I’ll sit on Will’s lap.
  • It is to die for! (when asked what cream of tartar was)
  • He was eating a dog treat.
  • If I could spend my summer with anybody, it would be with Ryan L. (It is not Will!)
  • My dad’s in jail, and he sleeps all the time.
  • I’m not afraid of you…I’m not afraid of anything.
  • I heard it used to be slave quarters.
  • Jean, you always know what I need!
  • I love poo!
  • I can’t believe you are standing me up for Marco Egizi.
  • I can talk to Bruce however I want cause I’ve seen his chest hair.
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Monday, July 9, 2012

You Don't Know You're Beautiful

Weird... just noticed that this blog entry from June was never published! Enjoy this pre-season gem, as we were so carefree just a month ago...

If this is June weather, then we are afraid to see November!  Luckily we ARE in New England so by Wednesday the high will be 90 degrees.  We are sure to see many more beach go-ers down at Lynch Park, blasting One Direction and snacking on Captain Dusty's fries.

The Skev Report - Our very own Skevvy to the Levy celebrated his 25th birthday with Bev Rec today!  Sweet Jean "baked" two ice cream cakes, Jocelyn C. popped up a healthy batch of popcorn, and Skev wore the crocodile hat non-stop to celebrate.  Knowing Skev and his good luck, he will probably buy a scratch ticket tonight and win $350,076.08.  As long as he throws some of the winnings back at us so we can build a deck off the back of the office, we'll keep throwing him birthday parties.  We are glad you were born, good buddy!

Stella made a brief appearance today, as did Nicole Belanger and Katie Lane!  Kris Melanson was here for a while, putting the finishing touches on what promises to be one of the best summers for Adventure Camp in recent memory.  He is pictured below, giving Stella one of his signature quizzes, which somehow she passed with flying colors...

Official Summer Rec Rag, 1st Edition

Yes, it is already the end of the second week of summer 2012. We want to welcome all new staff members to our humble department and welcome back all returnees. Obviously they enjoy it, as they come back for more fun! Our goal is to make it the best summer ever for all the Beverly children at the parks and camps and keep the citizens safe at the city beaches. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please put them in the suggestion box…actually, just talk to your supervisor…we encourage face-to-face chats.

Some of you who are new to the department may not realize that we publish a little newsletter every couple of weeks, updating everyone of the fun times on the job and funny stories related to staff on their own time. Any offerings are gladly accepted and can be dropped off with Jean in the office. You can locate her desk easily with the pictures of her lovely daughters, Joclyn and Nicole, on display.

The rangers have been getting along very well this summer. Ryan L. and Will Mc., new BFFs have been seen at the movie Ted together; sharing a Little Italy pizza in bed…a truck bed, that is; and enjoying the 4th of July holiday together at the McAuliffe’s relatives’ annual party. Ryan has the characteristics of a bum…the ability to sleep anywhere…and we have pictures to prove it. Jocelyn Cassola can be called an “angel” by the lifeguards for loading equipment on the cart and delivering it, without being asked. She can also be called a taxi driver as people have asked her to drive them to other towns. Walking partner is another title, as she skipped hand-in-hand to Acapulco’s with Skev, singing Thriller. Pish Posh Josh took a quick “leave of absence” for dispatcher training, texting during his breaks to make sure more shelves were being built. Scott has revealed that he likes holes in his donuts…doesn’t everybody? JRK likes holes in hers, as well, and will not eat any with filling. Gail favors What’s Brewin' donuts and Bruce will eat donuts of any kind.

The Tiny Tykes staff have been having a great time with the little darlings. Actually, there wasn’t one screaming child at drop off or any mother snooping behind trees this session. Skev could have scared some off with his “Geek God” outfit. The ice cream project was a big success, according to the campers and staff.

ACME camp has been off to a good start, under the direction of Margaret H, who turns 50 Shades of Red while reading smutty books and running to Lynch Park. Dan C. has the Chester or Shaggy look going on this summer.

Kenny Pierce, 2nd year P.I. has the award for the highest temperature. Jocelyn C., diligent Health Coordinator and nursing student was seen leaving his house after taking his temp. Will Mc., Permanent Sub needed a sub for himself 2 days in a row. Justin G. tries to tire out the Cove kids before special events by taking the long route through downtown and then by Dane and eventually to Lynch. Holly’s phone number was given to all the playground kids so they can wake her up on Thursdays (and we are not kidding). Anna J. can whip up a mean toga in no time with a simple bed sheet.

ACME Jr. got to see the Frisbee dog show this week. Sam S. says he is going to make up a game with the kids and have them try to catch frisbees in their mouths. The staff will have to show them how it is done first.

Late Care campers and staff have been looking for any sort of entertainment to pass the time away. On Friday, Marco E., Regan G., Will F., Jackie R., and Katie H. bravely faced off against an angry squirrel in the guild room. Two hours later, “Phil” got treed. Ryan L., the ranger on duty, chose to clean the bathrooms instead of help. Well, we have been after the rangers to do a better job cleaning…so we can’t be mad at him. On Tuesday, Late Care campers serenaded a young couple during a rose petal love ceremony with Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe.” “A Kiss From a Rose” would have been more appropriate.

The Adventure Camp continues to live up to its name with unpredictable weather. They witnessed a funnel cloud…and it rained…again. Tim is the new Mountain Man/Ranger Rick, building tarps out of tents and using his pocketknife for everything now. He was also swinging from boulder to boulder at Metro Park. At home, however, he does the opposite, doing yoga in his backyard. Kris M. burned his belly and chach on his day off before camp and cried like Jacob Brower without hot dogs.

The lifeguards have had some hot summer shifts so far. Hopefully the canopies and chairs with the flaps will protect you from the dangerous rays. They survived a full-out water training. The instructor was trying to set up Kelsey and Connor F. together, not knowing they were brother and sister.

Camper Quotes
  • I have so much energy ‘cause I get up in the morning and drink so much water. (Tykes)
  • I just ate a bird who is angry. (Tyker)

Staff Quotes
Match the quotes with the following speakers: Sam S., Skev, Josh, and Kris M. (Some may have more than one)
  • Hung out, tongue out.
  • The body glitter is the way to go!
  • That’s so true…I am the most handsome of the Stantial boys.
  • Has everyone seen my bell?
  • Yes, yes, yes…keep saying yes!

The next edition will come out in two weeks, so bring in all the newsworthy info.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Quote of Yesterday

"Did you know the whole downstairs is gonna be a shelf?" - Jocelyn Cassola, HRMC

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