Can you believe it is the end of our summer 2012 program? Everyone has been busy keeping the youth of Beverly happy for the past 8 weeks. This is the last edition of the Rec Rag for the summer and are trying to include all members of staff, even if we had to make up some dirt.
Let’s start with the playground staff. It has been made known that Tim A. feels the need to have a girlfriend at all times and tries to show off for them by running along the golf cart driven by Ryan L. and Justin G. Nicole B. has been taking lessons with the Jossola School of Driving and even hit the highway. Janessa B., cuddling with Alex M. at the meeting, was a wonderful contribution to her wiffleball team. Megan B. will be Justice of the Peace for Jackie R.’s wedding, whenever that might be. Erin B. couldn’t escape Tim M. and Kris M. living out Shark Week. Chris C. makes a great Dr. Seuss, when he is not throwing mulch at kids or ignoring trash at the park. Brendan L., who is not 35 as his park kids think, had unexpected visitors in blue who stopped by his man cave. Brian L. almost knocked a kid out when he jumped on his back. Andrew P, the only man standing in the Hannah Park family of 2010, was a good boy at the fireworks. Katie S. dislocated her kneecap at Livingstone Park but still managed to go to the special event. Tom W. was doing suicide sprints at Livingstone Park in the rain this week. Monica C. and Nicole M. were both sick from McD’s one day. Didn’t they look cute driving to the special event together on the scooter? Rachel F., who should get the Veteran of the Year award, had to take care of 13 kids alone at Cranes. Justin G. only did a minimum amount of magic this summer. Katie H. and Alex M. were wearing matching socks at the wiffleball tournament. Anna J. asked Corey M. to be her best friend… just like Ryan L. and Will M. Speaking of Ryan L., again we must stress that he needs a new alarm clock before returning to college. Marc B. was throwing up off a balcony for the 2nd year in a row. Corey M. is the new U.F.O. at Lynch as he shares his unfiltered offerings. He and Nicole B. have logged quite a few miles walking across the city to visit with other parks the past two weeks. Kenny P. and Dan C. were seen strutting around like musclemen while rangering during Homecoming. Jocelyn R. didn’t panic when a park child had a panic attack at the Carnival. Holly R., the doctor of the Rec. Dept., enjoys long strolls through the aisles at Market Basket on Saturday mornings. Bill continues to celebrate his birthday with friends and fellow staff members. Matt Mc. was hurting after the wiffleball tournament. Missy K., the sub, needed a sub for herself more times than she worked.

The Tiny Tykes staff had a great time taking turns being director of the day. Regan, sporting a wonderful Kentucky Derby hat, is it a coincidence that you are transferring to a college near Marco E.? Stefany H. was an early bird getting ready for Beach Day. Katie L., not planning ahead, unfortunately, wore a white shirt on Water Day. Meghan wore a realistic nurse’s costume on Halloween. Skev had a great rapport with the Tiny Tykes madres, with lingering phone calls and private pick ups for cookies.
Margaret, doing a great job at Acme, wants to start up a donut/pizza shop with Sam St. Joclyn B., who tried to straighten out a rude person who cut all the kids in the food line, couldn’t escape being thrown in at Cranes. Rachel C. got to sleep on the comfy couch. Nick D. covering up the graffiti of the Heady Rascals. It took the whole summer to learn that his shift didn’t start at 2. Hayley shed some tears when she thought she was bypassed for a gate shift. She, Katie L. and Nicole B., the 3 musketeers, had a serious meeting in the car at Lynch Park over the weekend. Dan C. won Laser Quest against all the children. Connor M., a.k.a. Coco, shaved his beard and looks older to some and younger to others. You be the judge.
The Top of the Food Chain behaved themselves some of the time this summer. Kris M. and Tim M. had a team meeting at Acapulcos before checking on the Acme overnite. Rumor has it that Cassie P. looked forward to nights when A.C. went to Acapulcos. Guess she just likes Mexican food :) Jackie R. stepped on a stick which went through her foot and ripped it out.
Sam St. fearless leader of Acme Jr. will have to steal food from the BHS caf now that the summer is over. I think he had his fill of cheese curls, chips, and anything else he could find around the office. Alyssa C. fit right in as a full-time staff member this year. Jake S. celebrated his birthday with shots (from his doctor). Marco E. got picked up by the whole fam after his ranger shift. Allegra E. was seen running by picturesque Dane St. Beach everyday this summer. Kristina L. will hopefully survive getting her wisdom teeth out. Aaron S. will miss seeing grandma every Friday to pick up his check. Will he have to check in with her every Friday during the school year? Carolyn T. dressed up for every special event and beat the Mcauliffes this summer.
The lifeguards have been so helpful this summer, gladly performing in the Lip Sync, bringing their equipment to the beaches when the rangers were busy, and rescuing the public in face of danger. Corinne W. and Pat W. made saves with the use of kayaks this summer. Alex B. (or Ben B.) enjoyed the Onion post-Lip Sync. Connor F., best bro eva, drove his very agitated sister, Kelsey F., home on Sat. Tim B. was seen crying when Corinne W. left for school. Olivia W. earns the Best Head Guard of the decade, with not one complaint.
J.R.K. has been going to all sorts of functions lately, requesting and dancing to “Call Me Maybe.” Josh is going to make a CD of her favorite hits after he strikes it rich at Mohegan Sun. Will, trying to catch a slow high fly, injured his hand and visited his dad at the ER to have x-rays. Jossola, Will, and Ryan made an interesting trio exchanging clothing at Cranes. Scott was a bit embarrassed when Jossola was picked up by the cops on the return trip from Old Orchard Beach for an expired registration.
Well, it was a great summer. Thanks for all your hard work. Good luck at school and work and we look forward to seeing all your smiling faces next summer.
Quotable Quotes
From: Jocelyn, Tree Hugger, Ryan Lane, Josh Ricker, BG Kids, Will M, Sam S, Josh, Skev, Gail, Jean, Scott, Bruce, Person at Gate, Person Driving Down Access Road, Adventure Campers, Mrs. Cassola, Monica C, Nicole M, Kris M, Kenny P, Matt Mc
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