FINALLY! Here it is, bloggers!
Rec Rag 4th Edition - Summer 2011Can you believe it is the last day of our summer 2011 program? Time flies when you are having fun. Since this is the last edition of the Rec Rag, we are trying to recap as much dirt, important info, etc. related to our staff as possible.
Margaret Hall has turned into a kickboxing fanatic and took Jocelyn C. to a class. Jocelyn won’t go back anytime soon. Ali A., Andrew P., and Katie H. went on a lunch date after park, but Ali and Katie may have forgotten to mention to Andrew that they were going to DQ after to get free ice cream from Corey M. Marc B. had a fun time pretending to be a king with Brendan L. at Monica C.’s house. Kenny P. skipped the last trivia day for some alone time with the GF. Justin G. could not stop putting the moves on the hostess at Applebees and was spotted walking her to her car. Kayla D. us now familiar with the roads of Lawrence after so many trips in two weeks. Congrats on getting your permit. Meg B. and Corey M. had a great ½ day at Crane’s Beach and had a fabulous drive in the “death cage” or “jail bus”. Anna J. showed that Bruce’s Panther Athletic Zone worked out well because she survived her first summer with the Rec. Dept. Alex M. and Jake S. ran a great 5K during Homecoming week, but Jake Stokes pulled out the win in the end for the Rec. Dept. team. Matt M. also ran a good race considering he hasn’t worked out since April. What’s Brewin’ has become the most popular site of the Rec Dept. Janessa B., Monica C., Robbie D., and Kristina L. are spotted there almost daily by Jocelyn C. (who has a drink named for her). Ryan M. stopped to pick up Ryan L. and drive him to rangering after Cranes. What a nice guy! Tim A. thinks there are 6 states in New England. Looks like he could receive some tutoring from Corey M. Rachel F. and Collette F. were seen duking it out trying to see who could have friends over. So sad for Aaron S. and Kate S. who were already there and had to change plans. Jocelyn R. has a nice house-warming gathering. Everyone loved her dog Seguin and his sharp teeth. Bill B. and Matt M. are gonna miss driving with each other during the year. Luckily Bill was there to assist Monica C. with an angry parent whose child wasn’t going to Cranes. Matt M., hope you have a cool, awesome, without a doubt, for sure year to come.
Marco had fun turning the LUV into a beach party. He also escorted his grandmother, who was working some great bedazzled crocs. Regan and Meghan N. loved the nice ride. Stef h. and Meghan had a great time planning their director day. Everything went so smoothly, and they beat the lifeguards to the beach. Bethany M. is such a great counselor. She is willing to check pull-ups at a moments notice. Katie L. chases softballs as if they are butterflies, however she is rumored to be better at softball than her sister Sarah. Skev’s sister divulged the secret that Skev is the actual voice for the Pillsbury Doughboy.
Dan C., who celebrated 2 birthdays this summer, likes to think of himself as Babe Ruth and was seen hitting homeruns out of Obear Park. Hayley M. was seen gazing into Connor’s eyes at trivia. Everyone got to see how cute Joclyn B. and Nicole B. were back in the day when Jenna passed around one of her pictures from the past at the CIT bash. Nick D. likes to work the room while doing karaoke to “Semi-Charmed Kind of Life.”
Sam Sto., Sarah L., and Collette F. were again trying to perfect their “Lady Marmalade” act at karaoke. Too bad J.C. has to wait until next summer to perform her Jay-Cee act. Kristina L. received a great insult from a camper the other day. Sarah L. used to make homemade cookies to suck up to people but now she just settles for Dunkin Donuts for the rest of the Jr. staff. Sam Sta. has great fashion sense with his colorful vest. Look out Tim Gunn! Kelsey F. has been a good third wheel for Marco and Regan this summer. He has continuously showed up late at trivia and sat with the lovely couple. Max M. showed off his driving skills by successfully making it to Obear with the mini golf course in his truck.
What will Sam Sto. do when she is at college, after being in the habit of waiting for a wake-up call from Tim everyday all summer? Cassie P. couldn’t avoid the plunge into the water at Cranes, as the guys were fighting over who could throw her in. Poor Jackie R., lost in the eyes of Kris M., tripped over a child while skating to Lady GaGa.
Ryan L. admitted why he has walked home from so many shifts as night ranger: he didn’t know how to dial out from the office phone. Scott B., alias “eagle eye”, was watching for anyone putting things into coolers during homecoming and subbing for other staff members. Just a word to the wise, don’t call Will “Willy!” Josh has trouble turning off the radio while trying to talk over the radio. Jeremy S., who has a soft spot for the song “Hey Jude, “ loved going to Canobie and Cranes.
The lifeguards never had to save anyone this summer. Ben C., Pat W., and Peter T. have made a fashion statement with their “short shorts Fridays.” They could have tried to save our eyes from the sight of them, however.
We wish Emily W. well at her new job down south and wish all the other guards much success in their sports and academics. They are in love with the rangers since they never have to bring their equipment down to the beach.
We hope you all have a great year at school, work or just bumming around. Thanks for all your hard work. Until next summer…
Quotable QuotesMatch the following staff members with their quotes: Josh, Jocelyn C, JRK, Scott, Gail, Ryan L, Skev, a Tyker, another Tyker, Marco’s Grandmother, Max M, Connor, Will, Molly to Tyker, Kris M, a Late Care Camper, Unknown Speaker
· I love the smell of gas. Come here and I’ll sniff you.
· Why don’t you ever text me back?
· I’m sure Leslie would love you to play pirate.
· Everything is so sticky in this office.
· When I get up at 4, I touch everybody.
· First off, I have never cheated on Molly… but I would with Stella.
· Do not move picnic tables or you’ll get shot.
· I kiss Stella more than I kiss Molly.
· Trust is not measured by distance.
· Don’t touch that… it’s gross!
· You’ll be 40… yeah, but I’ll look like “Situation.”
· Rangers always come through… just ask them to do something.
· That’s not a hat, that’s a bird’s nest.
· You have a bubble. Don’t pop someone else’s bubble.
· Skev, do you want more beach toys?
· Hi, I’m grandmother.
· Scott, you’re the one who put your head in the gutter.
· My armpit is clean, if you want to work with it.
· I do pools. I don’t do salt water.
· I’m buying a scratch ticket. I am feeling lucky.
· Which shoulder would you put a parrot on?
· I don’t answer phones. I did that once and I shouldn’t have.
· I am Connor… the one and only.
· Where is Bruce with my lunch? This is ridiculous!!!!!!
· Ryan Mahan is awesome… and hot, too!
· I want to get stabbed just to see how it feels.
· Sarah was good. She got just the right amount of candy.
· Bruce, is this fully loaded?
· When I was young, I wanted to be a rabbi; then I wanted to be a game show host.
· I already worked my magic.
· Life is good when you are drinking out of this cup.
· It’s not bad… he’s just got a little bruise on the head. He is actually smiling and responsive.
· Bruce and I took a walk along the beach and saw some candidates.
· Its okay, my Dad can give us shots for rabies.
· I can hear it. I’m in my final year of A.C.
· I wouldn’t want another human being living inside me.
· Get away from me booty!
· My toes look like aliens when they aren’t painted and my fingers look naked when not painted.
· Be good, and I’ll share my pickle.
· He needs to keep his hands in a personal bubble and not on the other kids.Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!