Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekend Warriors

At Bev Rec, we never stop working. Weekends are no exception. On Sunday, Bruce and I (oh, and the Honorable Mayor Bill Scanlon) were judges for the Beverly Dog Park Spring Bone-Anza Event. We had the difficult task of judging two-dozen captivating canines on their friendliness, behavior and spiffed-up attire. It was tons of fun and it raised lots of money for the up and coming Beverly Dog Park!

Did you see the new poll? Please vote, we want YOUR unput on the value of standardized tests!

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Play Ball!

Our Red Sox Home Opener Party went as follows...

Stella (McCartney) is a budding fashion designer. Observe the unique and matching rock necklaces she made...

...and her daring new chip clip hair accessory.

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!

School Daze

Results from last week's poll are in... your favorite gummy candy is Sour Patch Kids (57%) with Traditional Gummi Bears in second place (28%) and Sour Patch Kids Fruits in third (14%). I know, it doesn't add up to 100%, but that's the way Blogger calculated it!

The NEW POLL is in the same place, to the right, bottom of the green box. Let us know what YOU think of standardized tests!

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It’s a Pot Boiler

Some days are wonderful, full of sunshine and daffodils, pleasant conversation, good deeds and thin mints. Other days are downright dismal, like the week some of we Bev Rec-ians are experiencing.

Bruce and I had challenging phone conversations yesterday and guess what, they're not resolved! We have to have MORE! It’s times like these I must remember to be more like Barack Obama; calm, cool and collected. It’s not easy, so I decided to print out a picture of the 45th president and stick it to my window… Whew… that’s better.

Josh is hard at work, as usual, painting and tidying up the place. One of the round windows for the Carriage House came in and now he’s painting it. Be careful with that, Joshie, it costs a fortune!

Tomorrow we’re celebrating the Red Sox (pooh-pooh, they are so stinky) with a cookout. Burgers, dogs, pasta salad, the works! If you have a couple bucks and an appetite, come join us!

The new Special Event Coordinators, Jocelyn Cassola and Nick Doig just handed in the schedule of events for summer 2011. I won’t reveal anything yet, but its chock full of new and loveable, fun stuff. More info on that in a few weeks.

Interviews are coming up! Candidates, wear a nice outfit, spritz your tongue with Binaca and get ready for 30 minutes of intense questioning. Nah, it’s not that intense, but we do take interviews very seriously and there is a lot of competition, so come to your appointment ready to impress us!

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!

Friday, April 1, 2011

We Pity the April Fool

I'm typing this blog entry from West Palm Beach, Florida where I'm spring breaking! Cowabunga, dudes! Sorry to hear about snow in Massachusetts, here it is a balmy 74° at 9:45am. I heard MTV is moving Spring Break coverage HERE tomorrow, so I plan find them and try to meet Pauly D and Snoop! Think Stella will be embarassed to see her Mom dancing in the Spring Break pool with sweet Snooki? Happy April Fool's Day!

On a serious note, today is Crock Pot Friday and we're celebrating the Red Sox home opener today with lasagna. Go Sox and go Italian food!

Let's catch up on Bev Rec in pictures, starting with Stella in her St. Patty's Day/Beatles outfit...

Now check out the first floor of the office as Josh renovates...

We won a Dunkin's Fun Run from North Shore 104.9! Thanks to the Manchester Dunks, this morning we're enjoying a free coffee and donut breakfast. Strawberry frosted, all the way.

Polar Plunge this weekend... at least it looks like February out there!

Follow, comment, pass it on, enjoy!