Camp registration today! We worked furiously to be sure that all who sent in forms by 4:30pm, EST on February 10, were registered, wait listed, etc. We’re still working on it, but neon green postcards should be mailed out to all families in two weeks. Best of luck to everyone, we sincerely appreciate your patronage.
Josh Melanson, HRMC and Jack of All BRD Trades, has many funny moments, but today he busted out one of the best quotes ever. Now, I don’t remember exactly how he put it, but he referred to Mary (Woolaver) O’Neill’s baby bump as a “chach”, saying something like, “Now she has a chach!” OMG, it was uproarious! We thought that Kris Melanson was the only one, but now every pregnant staff member will have the dubious distinction of bearing a chach. Only, the pregnant chaches will be slightly more refined and lovable.
In other Josh news, he has challenged himself to bake something Valentine’s-themed for the office on Monday. Cannot wait.
The Skev Report – Skev-ra oh la la made an appearance at 55 Ober Street today. Just checking up on camp reg and providing moral support. He has been looking through my GMAT study materials and I think we will begin the tutoring process at Starbucks (although I am a Dunks girl) or Panera next week. He says parking at US Taekwondo has been a nightmare and has been looking for people to go with him to an LCD Soundsystem show in NY. He passed on ordering Tapas (I lifted my 7 year boycott today) because he had to get to work. He wore Stella’s princess crown, to make her laugh, and I almost got a picture! Skev, the Prince of Virginia Avenue.
Bruce was home today, watching
24 and resting up after surgery. Get well, see you soon, Boss!
The park kids are winning! VOTE in the newest poll (to the right, bottom of the green box)!
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